Saturday 2 March 2024

Chilled to the touch

Well, much to my relief, I feel much calmer today. The 8 hour sleep certainly helped. I’m not sure exactly when I drifted off, but there was definitely light in the sky. It’s difficult to determine the time of day, by natural light alone, this time of year, is everything is in flux. Still, at least I got there in the end. That’s what’s really important.

While it appears (touch wood) to be over, I’m still wondering what was going on yesterday. It certainly felt like an adrenaline overdose, which I’m not used to. Trying to get my mind moving is a constant battle on an average day. Going on the exercise bike was a great idea, as that seemed to tire me out somewhat. I was so geared up (pun not intended) to be on there, that the bike nearly broke from its stand, burst out the flat, and went flying down the street. And it doesn’t even have wheels. I swear I wouldn’t have been surprised if the Eiffel Tower went past.

I didn’t have a wank in the end, but I may do after posting this. I’m trying to think what I’m into today. Men? Women? Both? One-on-one? Group? Anal? Piss party? The options are nearly limitless. I usually just have a browse around to see what tickles my, erm, tinkle.

I had a turkey burger with a pork loin steak (instead of bacon) for dinner yesterday. I think the supermarket has changed its turkey burger recipe, as these ones are very soft, almost like pate, even when cooked. The previous recipe was actually a little too rubbery for my liking. Anyway, I’m not sure the combo I chose worked very well, so I may just have the rest of the burgers by themselves, then do something else with the remainder of the pork steaks. Some sort of stir fry? I don’t have any veggies though, apart from spinach and a few rocket chillies. Hmmm…

Due to the adrenaline overdose, I struggled to focus on any one film yesterday. I randomly started watching Excalibur at one point, a film which is in my top ten for life. So operatic! So earnest! So camp! So real! They don’t make movies like that nowadays, kids.

Is the superhero fad finally over now? Is it safe to emerge from my cave?

Anyway, my wake-up time was 2 pm today, but the days are getting longer now, so I’m guessing I still have a few hours of light left. I have no plans, although I never really do. I guess I just don’t feel particularly inclined to anything, even in a general way. I suppose I could get drunk, but last week’s hangover was so diabolical, and took so long to shake off, that I’m not inclined to do so again for quite some time.

Unless my brain fixates on the idea, in which case I’m screwed.

I might watch My Neighbour Totoro later. Or give that German-language-only copy of Rasputin a go. Or stick to Excalibur. Or dig out some other movie. I have like all the movies in my collection, so if Netflix ever goes down for good, everyone’s invited round mine for a DVD party.

Lol, can you imagine?! I am not a party person.

I’ve taken one of my homemade dishes out of the freezer, so I’ll have that later with a gigantic pile of mood-improving rice. Apparently I used to amuse the staff in local Chinese restaurant when I was little, due to my unusually-immature love of rice. I think kids that age usually prefer chips and anything breaded. I’ve never been quite “right”, basically.

OMG I am so quirky! I should totally have my own YouTube show! Please like and subscribe to me! Donate! Donate! Donate! Because apparently one person years ago made money from being successful on social media. Donate! Like! Subscribe! Watch me! Love me! Just don’t talk to me.


I need a shower now.

Yes, a wank is probably a good idea at this point. I can feel the adrenaline bubbling again. I’ll speak to my doctor if this keeps happening. I want to be the maudlin, low-energy kind of crazy, not the ranting-and-raving kind of crazy.

Too late, huh? Oh well.

Do stay in touch, darlings.


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